A happy end…

♥ Love Explosion ♥There’s still no snow here in Skåne, in the south of Sweden. Well, we’re quite used to it, it’s much more common with a winter without snow than one with snow here where I live. Still, every year we’re waiting for it, wondering if we’ll have a white Christmas or not.

Nevertheless, Christmas is here in a couple of days, and you can say that Bus Stop Dreams have been alive almost half a year soon, since we launched the site here in the beginning of August. Of course we’ve been working with the project and the music long before that, but it really didn’t exist for real until we launched it, until we delivered and started meeting the audience.

For us, these months have been an adventure, in every step we’ve taken: where will we find our listeners? how will they like our next song? is the video any good? what will we do next? and we’ve thought about and reacted to all responses we’ve received. There’s been quite a few of them, and all these positive reactions give us even more energy to enter the next year eager to give you more music and interesting stories. We do want to get to know you better, and at the same time we’d like you to learn more about us.

So far we’ve released four songs on two singles, and together with these, four music videos. The album release date was set to some day near New Years Day, which was a bit too optimistic. I can’t say that things are against us, but it’s all these little things around each production that adds up taking longer time than you expected from the beginning, considering also that Bus Stop Dreams is not only about Lasse and me, but also about also about a number of marvellous people we collaborate with.

I can promise you that we’ll have more music for you to taste in the beginning of the new year, and we will show you more and more of what we’re working on and who we are. We’re learning as we go and we hope you stick by us.

Thank you for all the response and that you’re listening to our music. We wish you the best of holidays and a happy new year!

/Lasse and Pär

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